5 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Site for Your ADU

Building a small house in your backyard can be exciting. These small houses are called Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs. They can be great for many reasons. You might want to house family members. Or you could rent it out for extra money. But before you start building, you need to pick the right spot. Choosing where to put your ADU is very important. It can affect how well your ADU works. It can also impact your main house and yard.

We’ll talk about five key things to think about when picking a spot for your ADU. These factors will help you make a smart choice. They’ll ensure your ADU fits well on your property. By the end, you’ll feel more confident about choosing the perfect spot for your ADU.

ADU exterior with landscaping demonstrating site selection factors

Understanding ADUs: A Quick Overview

Before we dive into site selection for an ADU. Here’s what you need to know:

  • ADU stands for Accessory Dwelling Unit.
  • It’s a small, separate living space on your property.
  • ADUs can be attached to your main house or detached.
  • They usually have a kitchen, bathroom, and living area.
  • ADUs are becoming more popular in many cities.

Now that we know what an ADU is, let’s look at how to choose the best spot for one.

Factor 1: Available Space on Your Property

The first thing to think about is space. You need enough room for your ADU. Here’s what to consider:

  • Look at your yard or property.
  • Measure the open areas.
  • Think about how big you want your ADU to be.
  • Remember to leave space around the ADU.
  • Consider if you want a yard left over.

Your property might have several open spots. But not all of them will work for an ADU. You need to think about more than just size. Let’s look at some other important factors.

Factor 2: Zoning Laws and Building Codes

Every city has rules about building. These rules are very important for ADUs. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Check your local zoning laws.
  • Find out if ADUs are allowed in your area.
  • Learn about size limits for ADUs.
  • Understand how close to property lines you can build.
  • Know the rules about ADU height.

Zoning laws can be tricky. They’re different in every city. Some areas might have stricter rules than others. It’s important to understand these rules before you pick a spot. They might limit where you can put your ADU.

Factor 3: Access and Privacy

When you build an ADU, you need to think about how people will get to it. You also need to consider privacy. Here are some things to think about:

  • How will people enter the ADU?
  • Do you need a separate path or driveway?
  • Think about privacy for both the ADU and main house.
  • Consider views from windows.
  • Look at how close neighbors are.

Good access makes life easier for ADU residents. Privacy keeps everyone happy. You want to find a spot that works well for both. Sometimes, the perfect spot balances access and privacy.

Factor 4: Utilities and Infrastructure

Your ADU will need water, electricity, and more. Thinking about utilities is very important. Here’s what to consider:

  • Where are the water and sewer lines on your property?
  • How close is the electrical supply?
  • Think about internet and cable connections.
  • Consider heating and cooling systems.
  • Look at drainage in different areas of your yard.

Putting your ADU close to existing utilities can save money. It can also make construction easier. But don’t forget about other factors too. Sometimes, a great spot might need some extra work for utilities.

Factor 5: Natural Features and Landscaping

Your yard’s natural features can affect your ADU. Trees, slopes, and gardens all matter. Here’s what to think about:

  • Look at the trees in your yard.
  • Consider any hills or slopes.
  • Think about existing gardens or landscaping.
  • Look at how the sun moves across your property.
  • Consider natural drainage patterns.

These features can make your ADU better or cause problems. A shady spot might be cool in summer. But it might also be dark inside. A slope could offer great views. But it might make building harder. Think about how these features will affect your ADU.

Balancing All the Factors

Now that we’ve looked at all five factors, it’s time to put them together. Choosing a spot for your ADU means balancing these factors. Here’s how to do it:

  • Make a list of possible spots in your yard.
  • Think about each factor for each spot.
  • Consider which factors are most important to you.
  • Look for a spot that does well in most areas.
  • Be ready to make some trade-offs.

Remember, there might not be a perfect spot. But you can find the best spot for your needs. It’s okay if one spot isn’t great for everything. The goal is to find a balanced solution.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When choosing a spot for an ADU, people sometimes make mistakes. Here are some to watch out for:

  • Picking a spot just because it’s empty.
  • Forgetting about how the ADU will affect the main house.
  • Not thinking about future needs or changes.
  • Ignoring the views from inside the ADU.
  • Choosing a spot that’s hard to build on.

Avoiding these mistakes can save you trouble later. Take your time when choosing a spot. It’s an important decision that affects your whole property.

Creative Solutions for Tricky Properties

Sometimes, finding the right spot isn’t easy. Your property might have challenges. But don’t worry! There are often creative solutions. Here are some ideas:

  • Consider building up instead of out.
  • Look at unused spaces like over a garage.
  • Think about renovating existing structures.
  • Explore landscaping changes to create better spots.
  • Consider how fences or screens can help with privacy.

Being creative can help you find great solutions. Sometimes, the best spot isn’t obvious at first. Keep an open mind and explore all your options.

Exterior view of an ADU highlighting important site selection considerations

How Your ADU Site Selection Affects Daily Life

The spot you choose for your ADU will affect everyday life. Here’s how:

  • It can change how you use your yard.
  • It might affect your views from the main house.
  • The location can impact noise levels.
  • It can change how much privacy you have.
  • The spot might affect how much you use the ADU.

Think about how you want to live with your ADU. The right spot can make life better for everyone. It can help your ADU become a natural part of your property.

Planning for the Future

When choosing a spot for your ADU, think about the future. Your needs might change over time. Here are some things to consider:

  • Could you want to expand the ADU later?
  • Might you need to add accessibility features?
  • Think about possible changes to your main house.
  • Consider how your family might grow or change.
  • Look at long-term trends in your neighborhood.

Picking a spot that works now and later is smart. It can save you trouble down the road. A little forward thinking goes a long way.

Getting Input from Others

Choosing a spot for your ADU doesn’t have to be a solo job. Getting input from others can be helpful. Here’s who you might want to talk to:

  • Family members who might use the ADU.
  • Neighbors who might be affected.
  • Friends who have built ADUs.
  • Local ADU experts or planners.
  • Potential future renters, if that’s your plan.

Other people might see things you miss. They might have good ideas or important concerns. Listening to others can help you make a better choice.

Making Your Final Decision

After thinking about all these factors, it’s time to decide. Here’s how to make your final choice:

  • Review all the information you’ve gathered.
  • Make a list of pros and cons for each spot.
  • Think about which factors matter most to you.
  • Consider how each spot fits with your goals.
  • Trust your instincts about what feels right.

Remember, there’s no perfect answer. The best spot is the one that works well for you and your property. Take your time, but don’t be afraid to make a decision.

Choosing the right spot for your ADU is a big decision. It affects how well your ADU works and how you enjoy your property. We’ve looked at five key factors to consider: available space, zoning laws, access and privacy, utilities, and natural features. Each of these plays an important role in finding the best location. Remember to balance all these factors when making your choice. Think about how the ADU will fit into your daily life. Plan for the future and consider getting input from others.

By carefully considering all these aspects, you’ll be well-prepared to choose the perfect spot for your ADU. This thoughtful approach will help ensure that your ADU enhances your property and meets your needs for years to come. With the right location, your ADU can become a valuable and enjoyable addition to your home.


Yes, you can build on a slope, but it might be more challenging.

You may need special foundations or retaining walls. The design might also change to fit the slope. Always check with local experts about building on slopes.

The distance from property lines, called setbacks, varies by location. Some places allow ADUs right up to the property line. Others require several feet of space. Check your local zoning laws for specific rules.

Many places allow ADUs over garages. This can be a great use of space. You’ll need to make sure the garage can support the added weight. You might also need to add stairs for access.

Parking requirements for ADUs vary by location. Some cities require an extra parking space for the ADU. Others have removed this rule to encourage ADU building. Check your local regulations about ADU parking.

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